'get lean stay lean'

My focus? clients. getting. results.

'Get Lean Plan'

Let's go


Let's go

Personal Training

Let's go

I help people worldwide regain control of their body, health & lifestyle.


Your fat-loss efforts have left you frustrated, confused & lacking direction. You want to get leaner & regain lost confidence..


We work together to optimise your diet, exercise and lifestyle to lead you to the results you want.

My FREE 7-day Fat-loss Blueprint; 
'myths, methods, meals'.


“I am delighted with my results. I spent so many years getting bogged down thinking that I had to do everything perfectly in order to lose weight that I totally missed the point. Your plan has been such a turning point in my life – I am so much more confident & happier with myself & I no longer strive for perfection. My husband has never seen me this slim. Prior to your plan I would have agreed that losing weight wasn’t easy but I can honestly say, hand on heart, that it HAS been easy. Your plan was so straight forward & I found it very easy to follow & stick to. Thank you for everything Craig, you’ve totally transformed my life.”




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